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Re;ACT is a highly asymmetric 1 vs 1 dueling game where you step into the shoes of a master Artist.

Each Artist has been blessed with incredible magical powers based on their unique art form.  While some use their powers to enhance their craft, others abuse them for self gain. 

Conflict is inevitable. Choose your Artist and prove your worth in Re;ACT - The Arts of War!

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To win the game, be the first to deal 3 damage to your opponent.

To deal damage, you'll need to play cards to the React Chain. Some cards deal damage, while others help you maneuver around the board.

There are 2 type of Card Effects:

  • Intentions, which can only be played on your turn to start a React Chain

  • Reactions, which can be played on you OR your opponent's turn to build up a React Chain.

The React Chain resolves in reverse order (first in, last out). Once the chain begins resolving, it cannot be interrupted. Carefully play your cards to the React Chain to outmaneuver your opponent!

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Re;ACT is a deeper design that strives to reward repeated play and dedication. In this respect, it’s counterculture to current design trends and somewhat of an anomaly. If you align with the game’s ideology, this is a boon.

Charlie Theel, IGN & Player Elimination

Review Videos
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Official Artbook

Mat B - full V2 2k.jpg

This list is updated frequently based on questions posted in the discord server!

Q: Can I damage myself with my own cards?

  • Yes! Damage that resolves on a zone does not care who or what is in that zone. Maneuvering your opponent into hurting themselves is a big part of Re;ACT!

Q: What do I do if something arrived broken or misprinted?

Q: I cracked my acrylic standee base! What do I do?

Q: How many cards do I need for sleeving? And What is the card size?

  • The core 8 characters need 260 sleeves! DJ and Storyteller will both need 41 each. All cards are standard game card sizes at 63 x 88 mm (so MTG, Pokemon, etc sleeves will all fit.)

Q: If the cost for a card targets an adjacent tile, but they are then moved by an effect reacting to it, does the first card still target it's original target tile even if its no longer adjacent?

  • Yes! Unless the effect checks if the unit is still adjacent during the effect's resolution, once the target is decided, that remains the target regardless of the board state when the effect resolves.

Q: Can you pass your turn without playing an intention? 

  • Yes.

Q: If a summon is exhausted and removed from the board, does it come back to the board exhausted?

  • All units enter the board refreshed. This is the case for both summons and artists.

Q: How does Painter descend?

  • Painter does not descend. Once she ascends, she is replaced with Nathaniel for the rest of the game. Nathaniel has his own new ascension that just maxes our your available dice. When Nathaniel descends, your still play as Nathaniel. 

Q: Does the Painter's Shield of Peace intention move Gabriel after the Painter ascends?

  • Yes. Any effects that specifies "The Painter" will instead target "Gabriel" after the Painter ascends.

Q: What happens when you swap with Painter or her Armaments?

  • While the Painter has not ascended, any movement effects that move her or her armaments will move ALL of her and her armaments as a large connected unit. However if this movement will result in an invalid board state for her and her armaments (all of her armaments must be touching her diagonally), then the entire movement effect fails (fizzles). 

Q: Is the Fortune Teller's facedown card revealed before or after the costs are paid for the card played previous to it?